Technical SEO optimisation

Optimize 360, a technical SEO agency that has specialised in SEO since 2012, masters all the techniques for optimising websites to make them readable and relevant by the robots of the various internet search engines, and Google in particular.

We are one of the best SEO agencies on the market, and have been recognised as such by the Sortlist.

Le Technical SEO is one of the Essential Pillars of SEO

SEO definition Optimize 360

What is a Technical SEO Agency?

A technical SEO agency is a company that specialises in the technical optimisation of websites. to improve their natural referencing. It offers a wide range of services, including a technical audit of the website, optimisation of the code, creation of a sitemap, optimisation of loading speed, management of robots.txt files and resolution of crawl problems.

Its aim is to help its customers improve the technical performance of their websites and make them more accessible to search engines.

The technical SEO agency works closely with its clients to identify areas for improvement on the website and implement appropriate solutions.

It provides them with its expertise and skills to help them make the most of the technical aspects of natural referencing.

In short, a technical SEO agency helps websites to be better understood and indexed by search engines, which can improve their ranking in the results pages.

What is Technical SEO?

The " Technical SEO" short for Search Engine Optimization technique" refers to all the methods and practices used to improve the visibility and ranking of a website on search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Technical SEO focuses mainly on the technical aspects of the website, such as

  • Work on the site structure
  • Loading speed
  • The quality of the source code
  • Managing HTML tags
  • Mobile adaptability ( Web Responsive )
  • Error management

and other technical elements that can influence the way search engines index and rank the site.

The aim of technical SEO is to make a website more "crawlable" (easy to explore) by search engine spiders and to make it more user-friendly, which can result in a better user experience. ( UX )

Optimising these technical aspects can help to improve a website's position in organic search results, which can lead to an increase in organic traffic and, potentially, greater online visibility.

The Technical SEO Audit: the starting point

The technical audit of a website is an essential step in identifying technical problems that could affect its natural referencing (SEO) and user experience.

Here are the steps to follow to carry out a technical website audit, using popular tools such as Ahrefs, SEMrush and Screaming Frog, as well as other manual methods:

  1. Use ofAhrefs or SEMrush :

    • Subscribe to an Ahrefs or SEMrush account if you don't already have one.
    • Enter the URL of your website in the tool.
    • Explore the technical audit features that allow you to detect errors and technical problems. These tools will provide you with information on indexing errors, loading speed problems, broken links, etc.
    • Identify the problems reported and follow the recommendations to correct them.
  2. Screaming Frog SEO Spider :

    • Download and install Screaming Frog SEO Spider.
    • Enter the URL of your website.
    • Let the tool explore your site and gather information about the technical elements.
    • Examine the reports generated by Screaming Frog to identify 404 errors, missing tags, redirection problems, duplicate page titles, etc.
  3. Manual analysis :

    • Manually go through your website following a logical navigation process, checking usability, URL structure, internal links and looking for obvious problems.
    • Check page load speed using tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix.
    • Make sure your site is mobile-friendly by using Google's Mobile-Friendly Test tool.
    • Examine your site's robots.txt and sitemap.xml files to make sure they are correctly configured.
  4. Analysis of Google Search Console :

    • Consult Google Search Console to identify indexing errors, security issues, search performance data and mobile usability reports.
    • Correct any problems reported in Google Search Console.
  5. Use of other tools and checks :

    • Use browser compatibility testing tools to ensure that your site is compatible with different browsers.
    • Check the accessibility of your site using accessibility audit tools to ensure that your content is accessible to people with disabilities.

Once you have identified the technical problems with your website, draw up an action plan to resolve them.

The aim of the technical audit is to improve your website's performance, search engine ranking and overall user experience.

Make sure you regularly monitor the progress of your website by carrying out regular technical audits to detect new problems and guarantee an optimal user experience.

10 key steps to optimise your technical SEO


Optimising the technical SEO of a website is essential for improving its visibility in search engines. Here are the 10 key steps to optimising your website's technical SEO:

  1. Carry out an initial technical audit :

    • Start with a full technical audit of your site to identify any existing problems. You can use tools such as Screaming Frog, Ahrefs, SEMrush, or carry out a manual analysis.
  2. Optimising loading speed :

    • Improve the loading speed of your site by optimising images, using caching, reducing unnecessary code and choosing a good hosting provider.
  3. Ensuring mobile-friendliness :

    • Check that your site is fully responsive and offers a quality experience on mobile devices. Google attaches great importance to mobile compatibility.
  4. Optimising URL structure :

    • Use user-friendly URLs and canonical tags, and make sure that the URL structure is logical and consistent.
  5. Improve site navigation and architecture :

    • Organise content hierarchically with a clear navigation structure. Use menus, internal links and a logical tree structure.
  6. Ensuring indexability :

    • Check that search engines can crawl and index your entire site. Make sure that your robots.txt files and meta robots tags are correctly configured.
  7. Correcting technical errors :

    • Fix problems such as broken links, 404 errors, incorrect redirects and server errors. These problems can negatively affect your ranking.
  8. Optimising HTML tags :

    • Use title tags, meta description tags, H1, H2, H3 tags, etc. correctly to organise your content and include relevant keywords.
  9. Improving site safety :

    • Make sure your site is secured with an SSL certificate (HTTPS) and implement security measures to prevent hacking attacks.
  10. Regular monitoring and adjustment :

    • Monitor your site's performance using analysis and tracking tools such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Adjust your technical SEO strategy according to data and trends.

By following these 10 key steps, you'll be able to effectively optimise your website's technical SEO, helping to improve its visibility in search results and deliver a better user experience.

Don't forget that SEO is an ongoing process, and it's important to keep up to date with best practice and adjust your strategy over time to maintain and improve your rankings.

Do you want to improve the technical SEO of your site?

Find an expert close to your company to discuss your project

Our SEO Services

Optimize 360 has mastered all the levers of natural referencing, and our teams of SEO experts will be happy to answer any questions you may have about how to boost your site to the top positions in the SERP

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