Netlinking Agency

SEO Agency Netlinking (off-page SEO), Optimize 360 offers you the opportunity to apply the best off-site SEO practices, and to perfectly complement your On Site natural referencingand your technical referencing for maximum efficiency.

Netlinking is the 3rd major pillar of SEO. It's the one that allows search engines to measure the credibility of a website - in terms of citations (backlinks) from other referring sites.

Netlinking know-how is therefore essential. An aspect that is often time-consuming and impossible to achieve without the help of an SEO Agency.

optimize 360 seo

What is a Netlinking Agency?

A netlinking agency is a company that specialises in acquiring hypertext links (backlinks) to improve a website's natural referencing. It offers a wide range of services, including searching for relevant partner sites, writing sponsored articles, setting up contextual links and analysing the performance of backlinks.

What is a Netlinking Agency?

Its aim is to help its customers improve their website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and generate more qualified traffic.

The netlinking agency works closely with its customers to define a netlinking strategy tailored to their needs and objectives.

It offers them its expertise and skills to help them obtain quality backlinks and improve their ranking in the SERPs.

What is Netlinking (off page referencing)?

For a Search Engine Optimisation AgencyOff-page SEO covers all the methods you use that do not involve making changes to your site or publishing content on it. (Unlike SEO On Sitetechnical search engine optimisation, and paid search engine optimisation - SEA)

Optimisation takes place outside your website. Traffic acquisition is achieved by working both On and Off Site on the internet. 

Off-site referencing (or off-site SEO) is a set of methods used to increase the visibility of a website on search engines by pointing links from external sites to your own.

The main objective of an off-site SEO campaign is to obtain links from other websites that have a high "Trust Flow" or that are closely related to your niche and theme.

Netlinking Agency

This will improve your ranking on Google and the other main Internet search engines thanks to the "Link Juice" spotted by the indexing robots of the main search engines and Google in particular.

Why do we need netlinking?

An off-site SEO strategy can be very effective if it is done well.

This type of marketing has proved highly successful in many niche markets.

It's also one of the most cost-effective ways of increasing traffic to your site, and boosting its own ranking against the competition by allowing indexing robots to include it in their analyses. 

How does Netlinking work?

We use several tools to find out what types of backlinks are available to our clients.

We look at the organic traffic of possible sources of backlinks, their Trust Flow and their Citation Flow.

We then create a plan based on our customers' specific needs in terms of external links.

Our team analyses each link we find and then decides whether it's worth including in the client's backlink profile, with a context article (or not).  

10 best practices for netlinking

Le netlinkingSearch engine optimisation (SEO), or the creation of inbound links to your website, is a crucial element of any natural referencing (SEO) strategy. To ensure effective and lasting optimisation, you need to adopt certain best practices.

Discover the 10 essentials for mastering the art of linking and propelling your site to the top of the search results.

1. Always choose quality over quantity

The first golden rule when it comes to netlinking is to give priority to the quality of links obtained rather than their number. In fact, a link from a recognised site that is relevant to your business will be worth more to search engines than a multitude of links from less important sites.

Audit your inbound links

To assess the quality of the sites linking to yours, take the time to carry out an audit of your inbound links. You can use online tools such as Ahrefs or Semrush, which will provide you with valuable information about the level of popularity, authority and relevance of the source domains of your backlinks.

Consider using the disavow-tool

Don't hesitate to get rid of the bad links pointing to your site by using the disavow-tool offered by Google. This will allow you to clean up your link profile and avoid any penalties imposed by the search algorithms.

2. Ensure diversity of sources and anchors

Search engines consider the diversity links pointing to your site as a sign of quality and popularity. What's more, too few anchors are likely to increase the risk of over-optimisation or make your backlinks appear artificial.

Target different types of sites for your backlinks

Try to obtain inbound links from a variety of domains, such as blogs, directories, forums, social networks and partner sites. Also remember to target new sources regularly, to maintain a constant flow of natural backlinks.

link anchor netlinking

Multiply link anchors

Vary the terms and expressions used to anchor your inbound links. Don't always use precise keywords, but also opt for generic anchors ("click here", "find out more") or other variants including the brand name or URL of your site.

3. Pay particular attention to content

Le content of your site is a decisive factor in attracting inbound links and ensuring the relevance of your backlinks. Produce regular articles that are interesting, informative and useful for your audience, to encourage Internet users and influencers to share your publications and mention your site.

4) Write original, high-quality content

To captivate your readers and generate shares, avoid duplicate content and subjects that have already been widely covered on the Web. Instead, opt for innovative or personalised approaches that add value to your subject.

5 - Optimise your pages for social sharing

Also think about making it easier to share your content via social networks by including clearly visible and functional share buttons. This will encourage your readers to share your articles and give them greater visibility, which in turn will encourage them to obtain new natural backlinks.

6. Seek strategic partnerships

The partnerships with influential players in your sector can make a significant contribution to developing your link profile. Think about forging collaborations with blogs, online media or e-commerce companies in your field of activity, which can be mutually beneficial and will strengthen your presence on the Internet.

7) Suggest link exchanges

Link exchange is a win-win agreement between two sites that send each other traffic. However, be careful not to fall into the trap of massive, automated exchanges: favour targeted agreements, to guarantee the quality and relevance of your backlinks.

8) Take part in co-branding operations

Get involved in joint projects with other companies or influencers, which are likely to create backlinks to your site. This could be an event, a study or a competition organised jointly with a partner.

9. Think "mobile-first" and optimise your site accordingly

With the growing importance of mobile use in online searches, Google now favours sites that are adapted to smartphones and tablets. So make sure your site is responsive designand offers an optimal user experience across all media.

10 - Carry out a mobile compatibility audit and optimise the loading speed of your pages

Use the "Mobile-Friendly Test" tool offered by Google to check whether your site is well adapted to mobile devices. This will enable you to identify potential areas for improvement and avoid a drop in your ranking in the search results.

Fast loading times are crucial to providing a pleasant, high-performance mobile experience. So be sure to reduce the elements that slow down your pages (heavy images, unnecessary scripts) to ensure smooth browsing across all media.

How to do Netlinking simply ( if possible )

In practice, you can identify all the peripheral support websites that deal closely with your topic yourself, and try to contact the webmasters of these sites, but this can be very time-consuming and tedious.

In terms of referencing, tools such as SEMrush and Ahrefs have modules that allow you to identify them by thematic clusters, or even to send them emails to get in touch with them.

But here too, you can quickly run into problems and waste a lot of time canvassing and getting things up and running.

It's better to use SEO agencies Off Site like Optimize 360, which will help you structure your approach and find the best Blogs or partner sites to do this, with the best possible traffic and Trust Flow.


What are the 6 main Netlinking techniques according to our Optimize 360 Agency?

Implementing a netlinking strategy involves activating one or more of the levers below.

Whatever the methods and their implementation, always give priority to the quality of the backlinks and, above all, their support (referring domains, and the technical and qualitative aspects of their content creation).

Creating a backlink should be anything but a coincidence, and should be perfectly executed and implemented.

1.360° Social Networks, Directories and Geofencing

Local SEO (GMB & Citations)

One of the simplest ways of developing a genuine linking strategy is to use Google My Business geolocation files, which are the obvious way of positioning your head office and any physical establishments (branches, shops, etc.) in Google Maps.

Local SEO agencies will systematically recommend it as one of the ranking factors if you hope to appear in Google's local packs.

Bear in mind that the Google My Business pages carry stars and comments, which, although they have little impact on the listing itself, do have a possible impact on the choice that web users make between two establishments. 

The "external" user experience is therefore important even before you log on to the website. And Google My Business includes a clickable button pointing to your website. 

Google My Business is the cornerstone of your geofencing business objectives.

Social networks

Without having to put a lot of effort into SEO, social networks are not necessarily the first media recommended by SEO agencies.

But they are, at the very least, files or pages that can still be used to create a backlink to the website, and ensure a 360° presence.

So it would be a mistake not to use it as a support for the 360° strategy that Optimize 360 is so proud of.


"Geofencing" is perhaps a dirty word when it comes to the ability to increase the number of geolocated peripheral media likely to generate inbound links to the site.

In any case, the more media such as Waze, Google Maps, Tripadvisor, Apple Maps, Mappy, Foursquare, Yelp, etc. that enable us to generate consistent inbound links, the better it will be for off-site referencing. 

2 "Classic" NetLinking 

Building links

Inbound links are the most important ranking factor for off-page SEO.

Google uses link popularity to determine the relevance of your website in relation to other websites on the Internet. The more links you have, the higher your page will appear in the search results.

When you create links, make sure they are relevant to your niche.

For example, if you sell shoes, don't just buy links on websites related to shoes, but to everything that might revolve around this central theme.

Make sure that the links you create are of high quality and well written.

Be careful when buying links from low-quality websites.

This could damage your reputation and lead to sanctions.

Exchanging links can also be a very good approach if your partner's theme is close to yours.

The link profile you choose will determine the quality of the incoming link juice.

Links are sometimes purchased via 

Brand Building. Reinforce brand awareness and loyalty in the hope of getting "natural" backlinks in return.

The first step in building a brand is to develop its reputation.

This means that you need to create a name for your company, a logo and a website.

You also want to develop a marketing plan that includes social networking campaigns, e-mail marketing and advertising. If you're not familiar with branding, it's important to hire an expert who knows what they're doing.

Once you've developed your brand, you need to promote it. And once promoted and known, it will be cited spontaneously by a number of other media on the Internet (with outgoing links to your site).

External content marketing via guest posting

Producing quality On Site content is of course the key to success for SEO agencies. 

But external links can also be created on a blog article or an "external" press article hosted by another site.

That's precisely the aim of Guest Posting:

Its principle is to provide high-quality editorial content produced for site A, but posted on site B, which has a related theme.

Site B must have a quality Trust Flow, which itself has an interest in creating additional content for its own On Site referencing.

Here too, doing it "by hand" can be very time-consuming.

Calling on a Search Engine Optimisation Agency like Optimize 360 can save you an incredible amount of time.

However, for those of you who want to go it alone, here are a few platforms that put you in touch with "partner" websites  

3. specialist off-site SEO platforms

Although a benchmark or competitive analysis would be worthwhile, here are the main platforms for Netlinking and Guest Posting.

These platforms combine link building and, in addition to buying links, article hosting. 



  Getfluence   DealerDeTemps
  Nextlevel VIPSEO  
  LEOlytics   Ereferer  
  Rocketlinks   Accesslink  
  Develink   SEOPepper  

4. PNB (Private Blog Network)

What is the private blog network?

A PBN is a network of sites belonging to the same entity.

These sites are linked together to increase the visibility of a single website. This type of strategy is used to increase the number of visitors to a specific website.

According to Olivier Andrieu, a specialist in natural search engine optimisation (SEO), this technique should be used in the following way used with great care so as not to obtain the opposite effect, and... a possible penalty from Google if this technique is detected.

5.Press and media relations strategy

Optimize 360 has written a specific article on the subject of the benefits of implementing a press relations PR strategy to obtain high-quality articles and backlinks.

6 Content syndication

What is content syndication?

Content syndication is a method of republishing existing content on other websites in order to reach a wider audience.

Although we are considering textual content here, any type of digital content can be syndicated:

Text, images, videos, computer graphics...

Content syndication benefits both entities: the website where it is syndicated obtains new content, and at the same time the brand behind the original content is exposed to a new audience.

However, content syndication is undoubtedly not the best way of obtaining quality traffic for SEO purposes.

If you syndicate content from a website that has greater domain authority than you, it may actually outperform your original article.

Again, this is a technique to be used with great care.

What are the 10 essential steps in netlinking?

1. Analyse your current netlinking situation

Before embarking on a netlinking campaign, it's important to take stock of the situation. state of play of your site. Identify your strengths and weaknesses in terms of backlinks, in particular by assessing the quality of your incoming links, their distribution and the referring domains.

Use dedicated netlinking tools

To carry out this analysis, several free or paid tools are available on the market. The most popular include Ahrefs, Majestic SEO and Moz. These platforms will give you precise information about your link profile, as well as recommendations for improving your strategy.

2. Define your netlinking objectives

Once you've analysed your current situation, it's time to define your objectives netlinking. What are your priorities? Is it to improve your positioning on certain keywords, get more traffic from external sources, or increase your online reputation? A well-defined strategy will enable you to focus your efforts and optimise your results.

3. Identify backlink opportunities

To achieve these objectives, start by look for opportunities for inbound links. List the relevant sites for your business sector: blogs, directories, forums, social networks, etc.

  1. Analysing the competition : Identify sites that already have interesting backlinks and try to position yourself on these same links.
  2. Seeking partnerships : Don't hesitate to get in touch with other companies in your sector to establish mutually beneficial relationships.
  3. Submit guest articles: You should also consider submitting articles to specialist blogs to obtain relevant, high-quality backlinks.

4. Promoting quality links

As part of SEO netlinking, the quality over quantity. A link from a site with a high authority in your domain will carry much more weight than a multitude of less important links. So give preference to domains with a good reputation and good traffic, which can bring you real benefits in terms of referencing.

Avoid artificial links

Beware of so-called "risky" netlinking techniques: buying backlinks, participating in link exchange platforms or creating satellite sites. These practices can lead to penalties and downgraded by Google.

Diversify your sources of links: Don't forget to vary the types of links you obtain, as well as the anchors (link text) used. This will help you maintain a more natural and relevant backlink profile in the eyes of the search engines.

5. Create attractive content

To attract quality inbound links, it is essential to offer interesting and informative content. Be creative and try to differentiate yourself through different formats:

  • In-depth articles on your area of expertise
  • Infographics and engaging visuals
  • Videos, podcasts and interviews
  • Case studies and customer testimonials
  • Tutorials and practical guides

Don't forget that sharing this content on social networks can also generate additional backlinks!

6. Monitor your results

Implementing an SEO netlinking strategy is all very well, but it is essential to monitor the results obtained. Regularly analyse the progress of your campaign:

  1. Number of inbound links obtained and their quality (authority of the referring domain, thematic relevance, etc.)
  2. Traffic from backlinks and possible conversion
  3. Improved positioning on targeted keywords

Adjust your strategy

If certain communication channels are proving ineffective or underperforming, don't hesitate to question your approach and test new methods to maximise the success of your netlinking campaign.

7. Take account of Google algorithm updates

Natural referencing criteria are constantly evolving, particularly with the periodic updates of Google's algorithms (Panda, Penguin, RankBrain...). Keep up to date with the latest trends to adapt your netlinking strategy accordingly.

8. Making sure your backlinks last

A lost inbound link can represent a setback for your SEO. It is therefore important to ensure that the backlinks you acquire are maintained over time. There are two ways of monitor the durability of links :

  1. Carry out regular manual checks
  2. Use a specialised SEO tool that alerts you to any loss of backlinks

9. Being patient and persevering

Netlinking is a long-term strategy that takes time to bear fruit. Accept that results may not be immediate and keep working on your campaign, by constantly improving your methods and adjusting your objectives.

10. Varying strategies: the importance of on-page SEO

Finally, don't forget that SEO is not just about netlinking: it's essential to work on other aspects too, such as optimising meta tags, internal content, eliminating technical errors and ensuring your site loads quickly.

Only a balance between all these components will ensure sustainable and effective natural referencing.

Want to improve your SEO netlinking strategy?

Find an expert close to your company to discuss your project

Our SEO Services

Optimize 360 has mastered all the levers of natural referencing, and our teams of SEO experts will be happy to answer any questions you may have about how to boost your site to the top positions in the SERP

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