Iso & Face: Improving the local visibility of a thermal insulation company with an SEO + SEA strategy

improve local visibility thermal insulation company SEO SEA

Appear in 1st position on localised searches for thermal insulation

Generate a maximum number of qualified contacts for construction projects

Method used

Coupled SEO + SEA strategy

SEO: Search Engine Optimisation

  • Strategic and tactical semantic targeting vs. competitors
  • Adjust site tags accordingly
  • Optimising site content to make it readable and interpretable by Google

SEA: Paid search with Google Ads

  • Strategic keyword research 
  • Definition of customer targets
  • Setting up and optimising Google Ads campaigns
Results obtained

Very strong presence in local searches

22% increase in visibility on strategic keywords for the entire site.

Positioning of strategic keywords via Google Ads campaigns to increase the chances of attracting qualified leads.

logo iso & face entreprise isolation exterieur stratégie SEO SEA
CustomerISO & FACE
BusinessSEO and SEA
increase visibility thermal insulation company gironde seo sea
improve seo sea keyword positions
visibility on the site
keywords positioned in the top 3 places on Google
acquisition channels SEO SEA construction company
of site visits from natural referencing
distribution of acquisition channels SEO SEA
site visits from Google Ads campaigns
logo iso & face entreprise isolation exterieur stratégie SEO SEA

Thomas PAGE

Manager at ISO&FACE

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Find an expert close to your company to discuss your objectives

Our main Optimize 360 SEA Agencies

SEA Agency Paris Optimize 360 Google Ads Agency

Our SEA Agency Paris is the first to have been created in 2012 by its founder Frédéric POULET

The team of Paris SEO experts is divided into several geographical sectors:


SEA Agency Lyon Optimize 360 Google Ads Agency Lyon

Optimize 360 is also present throughout the Rhône Alpes region. With its

SEA Agency Marseille PACA Optimize 360 Google Ads Agency Marseille PACA

Headed by Franck La Pinta, Optimize 360 has branches throughout the PACA region.

SEA Agencies Switzerland Optimize 360 Google Ads Agencies Switzerland

Headed by Jean-François Hartwig, Optimize 360 has two SEO agencies in Switzerland:

AgenceSEA Bordeaux Optimize 360 Google Ads Agency Bordeaux

Optimize 360 is present in Bordeaux and throughout the southern Aquitaine region, with its

SEA Agency Metz Nancy Optimize 360 SEA Agency Metz Nancy

Optimize 360 is present throughout the Grand Est region of France

SEO Agency Paris Optimize 360 Paris

Our SEO Agency Paris is the first to have been created in 2012 by its founder Frédéric POULET

The team of Paris SEO experts is divided into several geographical sectors:


SEO Agency Lyon Optimize 360 Lyon

Optimize 360 is also present throughout the Rhône Alpes region. With its

SEO Agency Marseille PACA Optimize 360

Headed by Franck La Pinta, Optimize 360 has branches throughout the PACA region.

SEO Agencies Switzerland Optimize 360 Switzerland

Headed by Jean-François Hartwig, Optimize 360 has two SEO agencies in Switzerland:

SEO Agency Bordeaux South Aquitaine Optimize 360 Bordeaux

Optimize 360 is present in Bordeaux and throughout the southern Aquitaine region, with its

SEO Agency Metz Nancy Grand Est Optimize 360 Grand Est

Optimize 360 is present throughout the Grand Est region of France

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