Agence SEA I Agence Google Ads

Optimize 360 SEA Agency

Optimize 360 est une agence SEA ( Search Engine Advertising ) certifiée Google Partner pour vous aider à optimiser vos campagnes Ads sur Google and other search engines, and thus acquire new customers with an optimised and calculable ROI.

Paid search agency in addition to SEO (Search Engine Optimization), we help you acquire new customers while maximizing the return on investment of your acquisition campaigns.

Optimize 360 carries out two main types of SEO or paid acquisition campaign for you:
- Campaigns Google Ads
- Campaigns Social Ads

Agence SEA I Agence Google Ads

Optimize 360 SEA Agency

Optimize 360 est une agence SEA ( Search Engine Advertising ) certifiée Google Partner pour vous aider à optimiser vos campagnes Ads sur Google and other search engines, and thus acquire new customers with an optimised and calculable ROI.

Paid search agency in addition to SEO (Search Engine Optimization), we help you acquire new customers while maximizing the return on investment of your acquisition campaigns.

Optimize 360 carries out two main types of SEO or paid acquisition campaign for you:
- Campaigns Google Ads
- Campaigns Social Ads

Qu'est-ce qu'une Agence SEA ?

Une agence SEA (Search Engine Advertising) est une entreprise spécialisée dans la publicité sur les moteurs de recherche. Elle les entreprises à créer, gérer et optimiser des campagnes publicitaires sur des plateformes comme Google Ads, Bing Ads et Yahoo! Advertising.

Le but est d’increase visibility des sites Web des clients dans les résultats de recherche payants, en ciblant des mots-clés pertinents pour leur activité.

Qu'est-ce qu'une Agence SEA ?

Services proposés par une agence SEA :

Audit et analyse de l’existant : Évaluation de la situation actuelle du site Web et des campagnes SEA en cours.

Définition des objectifs et de la stratégie : Détermination des objectifs marketing et élaboration d’une stratégie SEA adaptée.

Création et gestion de campagnes publicitaires : Création d’annonces textuelles, visuelles et vidéo, gestion des enchères et du budget.

Suivi et optimisation des performances : Analyse des résultats des campagnes et apport d’ajustements pour améliorer le ROI.

What exactly is SEA ( Search Engine Advertising )?

SEA allows you to set up paid advertising on the main search engines, and on Google in particular.

Paid referencing means that someone pays for their site to be referenced in an advertisement. (sponsored ad).

SEA therefore refers to the use of commercial or advertising links (or banners) on search engines and Google partner sites.

In SEA, advertising space is mainly purchased on a pay-per-click basis by targeting specific queries using keywords.

What are the different types of SEA campaign?

If we look at Google, which alone accounts for the majority of advertising budgets in the world of search engines, the possible campaign variations are as follows:

  • Search" Ads campaigns
  • Display Ads campaigns
  • Search + Display" Ads campaigns
  • Shopping" Ads campaigns (Google Shopping)
  • Video Campaigns " Youtube " Ads
  • Campaigns to promote mobile applications

Even if Google now categorises them slightly differently (by objective) when setting parameters.

Optimize 360 sea objectives

Paid search (especially Google Ads) is a very delicate and complex business, and advertising campaigns cannot be improvised.

In our opinion, a good paid search strategy and campaign management must be in the hands of the best SEA agencies to avoid making the wrong settings.

As sponsored links are auctioned off between the parties involved, Campaign Management involves huge advertising investments, and if they are badly set up, huge expenditure for nothing.

Why integrate SEA into your digital strategy?

All digital agency will explain to you that SEA is a key area of investment in the implementation of your digital strategy.

Managing SEA campaigns enables you to rank among the top positions on Google, which accounts for 95% of active internet searches.

A paid search campaign is necessarily part of a traffic acquisition strategy in a highly competitive environment.

Among the various acquisition strategies and levers, Search Engine Optimisation (SEA) has become the major backbone.

For some e-commerce sites, this has become the one and only way to generate substantial sales while keeping conversion rates under control.

What are the advantages of SEA (paid search)?

There are three main types:

Almost immediate visibility for your website.

SEA paid search enables you to place your site quickly in the search engine results as soon as you start investing in advertising.

SEO, on the other hand, will be a more long-term task, but one that will take longer.

The SEA approach is the most effective if you want to achieve significant results in a very short space of time. On the other hand, the day you stop, you stop being found.

A very interesting addition to natural referencing SEO

Insofar as you can occupy the top 4 positions in the SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) results, you have a greater chance of being seen and clicked on with SEA campaigns, especially in a highly competitive field.

As a result, the more competitors there are, the more likely it is that you will have to use SEA to be found.

Real-time control of your SEA advertising investments

With paid search (SEA), you can control your ads and your budget in real time.

Budgets are generally affordable (with some exceptions).

What are the main differences between SEA and Social Ads?

Optimize 360 Google Ads (adwords) agency certified Google Partner

What we need to understand about the difference between managing campaigns on search engines on the one hand, and on social networks on the other, is that we are not dealing with identical Internet user attitudes.

On search engines, we have Internet users who are actively looking for products or services, often with immediate purchasing intentions.
On social networks, on the other hand, we're dealing with a "contemplative" audience who come there more to be entertained than to look for something.

As a result, apart from social selling, which is a bit of a special case, Google Ads campaigns will "catch in the net" internet users who are actively searching, whereas advertising campaigns on social networks are more like digital "4 by 3s" to push visual advertising in the same way as a TV ad.

A good paid search agency will be able to advise you on the best way to target digital acquisition to maximise your advertising budget and your organisation's sales.

They have put their trust in us for their SEA strategy

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What is SEA?

SEA (Search Engine Advertising) is a form of online advertising that enables companies to place ads on search engines.

How does Google Ads work?

Google Ads enables advertisers to create targeted ads based on specific keywords, which are displayed to users when they search on Google.

What's the difference between SEO and SEA?

Le SEO (Search Engine Optimization) involves optimising websites for search engines to improve their natural positioning, while the SEA consists of paying to display ads on search engines.

How does the Google Ads auction work?

The Google Ads auction is a system in which advertisers bid on specific keywords so that their ads are displayed when a user performs a search on Google.

The advertiser who wins the auction and has the best quality ad will have their ad broadcast.

What is Google Ads Quality Score?

The Quality Score is an indicator of the quality of the ad and the landing page to which it links.

This is a score from 1 to 10 that affects the cost and ranking of the ad.

The higher the Quality Score, the better the ad will perform and the cheaper it will cost.

How can I target a specific audience with Google Ads?

Google Ads allows you to target a specific audience using criteria such as geolocation, keywords, interests, age, gender and much more.

What is a Google Ads campaign?

A Google Ads campaign is a set of ads and associated parameters created to achieve a specific objective, such as generating leads or increasing sales.

How do you measure the performance of a Google Ads campaign?

The performance of a Google Ads campaign can be measured using metrics such as cost per click (CPC), conversion rate, click-through rate (CTR), return on investment (ROI) and much more.

What is Google Ads remarketing?

Google Ads remarketing is an advertising targeting method that involves displaying personalised ads to people who have already interacted with your business or website.

What impact does the quality of the landing page have on the performance of a Google Ads ad?

The quality of the landing page has a major impact on the performance of a Google Ads ad, as it can affect the bounce rate and the conversion rate.

A relevant, high-quality landing page can increase the chances of conversion and therefore reduce the cost per acquisition.

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